Welcome Everyone!
Thank you for taking the time to enjoy our website in as much as it has been for us designing it. We could not have done it without all of our dear friends and loving family supporting us over the many years. We have been blessed by so many caring and loving people throughout our lives that we wanted to give back in a very uniquely and different kind of way by sharing all of our special moments with all of them with so many others.
“Love doesn't make the world go round,
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”
- Elizabeth Browning
The world can be a dark and bitter place at times, but with a bit of love, everything always seems to shine more vibrantly. For the many others visiting the website for their first time, Joanne and CM believe this could be the beginning of a meaningful and blessed friendship.
They want to leave you with this: Please take a few moments to share a happy or amazing story with us in our guestbook and we’ll be glad to share one back with you. We believe our love towards one another is endless as long as we're patient and caring towards others – give earnestly and you’ll be blessed beyond your wildest dreams.
“What greater thing is
there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined… to strengthen each other… to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.” - George
Wow what a wedding, true Reilly style..Take care of Joanne, you have a good one. Hope to see you guys again soon.
Ben and I send our regrets. Best wishes. Mr. Ben and Shelly Lee
Joanne and CM,
Congrats again. thanks for allowing my staff and i to take part in the event. very excited!
Hope y'all have a wonderful marriage, life, and friendship. Never lose sight of what matters and keep the fire lit. In other words...your marriage best be like Lee Brice's Love Like Crazy
Great meeting you both Joanne and CM. I look forward to being a part of your big day. See you soon and my best.
Hello Just received you invite today but can not quite put the name to the face. Shout me a email and maybe I can make the connection.
great job with the site never saw one of these before looking forward to September take care love Teresa
God had a plan for both of you; that you would meet, fall in love and join in Holy Matrimony. A wonderful journey of togetherness as husband and wife would begin. Great job on the web site!! Looking
forward to sharing the big day with both of you. Pictures of your venue are beautiful; can not wait for the day! Love Mom & Dad
i like pickles
Good luck, CM & Joanne. We can't wait to share your big day with you :)
I had the pleasure of meeting a wonderful couple last night! Lots of love and Best Wishes! 6 more weeks!
CM & Joanne.
You really outdid yourself with this page it is perfect!! and very convienent for all of your guests. It was great meeting with you both tonight, I look forward to working with you. Congratulations!!
I know you've both been waiting for this day for a while. Good Luck, God Bless, and May the Lord shine a beautiful day upon you both. All my love be with you throughout you lives and I hope you get
everything wish for. Love Grandma Longmuir
nicely done
Hey I better get an invitation to this wedding, also don't forget about our deal where if you donate to Journey of Hope I will donate 10% out of my pocket to your wedding.
P.S. I like the website, it looks good just needs to be finished.
The luck of the irish
I don't understand the vacation and party pictures section. I guess this hasn't been set up with what you were looking at with Erica.